ENGLISH (Deutsche Ausführung unterhalb)
I offer exchange on holistic and multi-dimensional human and nature life existence based on my formal educations in psychology, social work and architecture, based on decades of experience and based on advanced abilities in psychic, medial, intuitive, energy perception, in English as well as in German language. A list of the themes and areas of life in which I am well-experienced and capable is below. There are no set programs or appointments as exchange with me is based on individual, flexible bespoken contact and exchange.
A short non-commital explanation, the possibility to get to know me and about the information and approach offered by me on humans and natural life is possible on the telephone. Please get in contact with me for that purpose over my e-mail address: cosmaterraccc@posteo.de or current telephone number 09133 - 608 90 22.
For decades I have experience in such matters. During my university studies, I received training in and was a teaching assistant for three years. I have extensive experience in the development, written materials and instruction of my own courses on basic topics like: meditation; inner perception, self knowledge and self sustainability; multidimentional perception (psychic and medial) of nature and the world; angel perception and connection; spiritual existence and contribution to the world; seeing art with other eyes, a multidimensional view of art and artistic creations, design with nature; collage; spiritual song and movement.
I walk my talk. To be a truly holistic, spiritual person, advisor and instructor it is necessary to maintain ethics as well as a holistic, spiritual lifestyle with ongoing regular activities like meditation, positive thought, prayer, yoga, nature connection, fitness. I am an independent student of spirituality and meditate daily since 1989.
My perception and work is very wide-ranging and deep, covers the basic dimensions and areas of human and Earthkind existence and experience.
Perception of the godly perfection of all. What also makes my insights and abilities individual, uniquely special is that I perceive and am helping people to trace back to, to perceive a special "godly being" of their true being's nature, or to a deeper pure godly origin being or idea of any group, situation, thing or place for which investigation or improvement is desired. My type of approach to perceiving, understanding and supporting positive advancment humanity and Earthkind has to do with a return to the basic being of a person or of nature and therefore no quick and often superficial answers are possible.
Themes, possible Needs, Areas of Expertise and Methods offered:
* Nature of the own being: a hightened sense of the own Higher Self; of the earthly incarnation of that, with perceptions on the combined constitution of these two and the particular areas of emphasis for personal best expression and contribution to others and else. This could also be considered to be understanding of the own Right Livelihood or of the own calling. For individuals, pairs, families and other groups for the purpose of adequate self-knowledge so that self-sustainable life style practices can be decided upon and followed for proper self perception and care and all other areas of life such as work or right livelihood, free-time and hobbies, contacts and communication, connections and relationships, living arrangements, etc..
* holistic, intuitive Life Insights and Assessments for specific Areas of Life: Belief; Rightlivelihood/Work; Relationships; Residence; Ressources; etc.. Possible as well for specific life situations, major life events involving major changes, decisions, possible also with card-laying. For developmental or personal transitions such as Birth, Baptism, Maturity, Marriage, Separation and Divorce, Retirement; all types of Crises, and Death.
* Self-perception, Self-knowledge, Self-sustainability Information and skills are given for perceiving the own self as a total (of higher self, earthly self), and for the individual constitutions of the most important parts of this: Life as such and on Earth, the own Life, Body; Emotions; Individuality; Relationships: Communication; Mind; Higher/Wise or spiritual Self; Belief and, or God Connection.
* Connections, Relationships, Relations, Friendship, Partnership - this is a main interest of many people, and needs a special adequate basis of the following insights and understanding: self-knowledge of the own being as a whole and in the details of the basic aspects such as spirit, mind, heart, emotions, body, life; honest and clear assessment of true well-being and health in the aspects of the own being and the willingness to correct that which is out of harmony; awareness of individual needs based on adequate detailed self-knowledge which can then provide the awareness and therefore proper decision-making abilities for the people, situations or things which are truly suitable to a person; important personal choices for the own person as well as accurate assessment of others as to true desire and efforts towards well-being, authenticity, ethics
* Nature Perception – Nature Connection, for more information, please look at the other pages in this internet site
* Geomancy, Geomantic Insights for Places, Facilities & Home, Housing, Design, Facilities Assessments, Guided Tours City & Country, for more information, please look at the other pages in this internet site
* Psychic & Medial Perception Information and Skills for medial and psychic multidimenstional and multi-being perception of the world. Offered is also a comprehensive evaluation of innate or further developed abilities in psychic and medial perception along with advising on measures towards personal safety and ethics.
* Angel-like, Spiritual Existence for in the own person and for spiritual contribution in the world
* Meditative, Spiritual Song, Singing, Movement & Singing with Angels
* Spiritual Affirmations, Prayer towards Harmonisation, Self-healing, Transformation Basic as well as advanced Information and Skills are given including individual beliefs and interests to empower people to help themselves and to show others how to help themselves.
* Well-Being in every Moment, Relaxation, Quietness, Meditation & Prayer
* holistic, energetic Art & Design Evaluation, for more information, please look at the other pages in this internet site
Considerate, ethical, discret, right-mindful information, voluntary and free-of-cost exchange in German or English language, in person, on the telephone or per E-mail, and may be possible over Skype. Recordings of information exchange conversations possible on CD for a small costs reimbursement.
Important Notice for Interested Persons, Liability Disclaimer.
In verschiedene Bereiche biete ich Information, Methodenkenntnisse, Austausch über ganzheitliche, intuitive menschliches Sein, Lebensstil, Inhälte, Methoden über Beratung, Lebensstil Anleitung oder Unterricht, auch über Führungen zu unten gelisteten nachfolgende Themen, für private, geschäftliche oder öffentliche Zwecke. Es gibt keine vorgeplannte Programme oder Termine, sodass meine Aktivitäten hauptsächlich auf eine freiwilligen, kostenlose, flexiblen, individuelle abgesprochene Basis möglich sind.
Wenn Sie mich etwas kennen lernen möchten bevor Sie weiteres mit mir machen möchten, können Sie von mir es im Anspruch nehmen eine kostenlose, unverbindliche Auskunftsgespräch von kurzer Dauer von ca. 15 Minuten am Telefon mit mir führen.
Ich führe bereits seit Jahrzehnte ein ganzheitliche, spirituelle Lebensstil mit Ethik, mit Aktivitäten wie regelmässiges Meditation, Gebete, positive Gedankenführung, Yoga, Fitness, Naturverbindung.
Meine Arbeit ist speziell dadurch dass ich meine Mitmenschen unterstütze zurück in sich anzukommen, die eigene wahrhaftigen Wesens- und Lebensursprung von sich und, oder von eine Sache wie der Natur erkennen zu können und damit einen verbesserten eigenes Sein und Entscheidungsgrundlage zu haben für das Leben und für den Umwelt.
Es geht hier um "so wie Innen, ist es, wird es sein im Außen", es wird den innere Wesenskern und Einstellungen oder Prägungen von Menschen und Natur hinter gefragt. Daher hat meine Aktivitäten mit langsameren ganzheitliche Verständnisse und Prozesse und ausdrucklich nichts zu tun mit schnelle intuitive Wahrnehmungs-Information für jemandem über wie und wann der Partner, Geld, Arbeitsstelle, Wohnung, etc. kommt oder wo es gefunden werden kann.
Schwerpunkte, Bereiche meiner Lernens, Fachkompetenzen und Erfahrungen:
Rucksichtsvolle, Ethisch, Diskret, Achtsam in Deutsch oder englischer Sprache, in person, am Telefon, per E-Mail, eventuell per Skype. Aufnähmen von Beratungen auf CD sind möglich für einen kleinen Unkostengebühr von ca. 8 €.
Wichtige Haftungs-Hinweis für Interessenten.
© 2023 cosma terra C. C. Czichos, last update Dez. 2023